ARTicles dissected

Ciao e bentornati! Ecco gli articoli vivisezionati da martedì! Hello again! Here are the dissected articles from Tuesday!  J'espère que vous ayez pu récolter un peu (où beaucoup!) tous seuls jusqu'à maintenant. Utilisez ces notes comme outil à étudier pour faire avancer votre compréhension et pour instiller du vocabulaire et de la grammaire essentielle en votre memoire. I hope you all were … Continue reading ARTicles dissected

ARTicle dissection

Salut! Comment ça va?  For your language practice this week, I’ve selected articles in your target language. The theme? ART. These articles are a bit lengthier than what I have chosen before, but if you take the time to study the text and read through it several times, your skills are only improving! As usual, … Continue reading ARTicle dissection